young boy and girl doing the dishes

Creating Order and Fun: 15 Kid-Friendly Chores To Teach Organization & Decluttering

Parents, we get it—keeping a tidy home while juggling the demands of parenting can feel like an impossible task. But what if you could turn organization and decluttering into a fun, educational activity for your kids?

Teaching your children how to manage chores not only lightens your load but also imparts valuable life skills.

Are There Benefits to Involving Kids in Chores at a Young Age?

Definitely! As early as two years old, your child is ready to start learning basic household tasks.

Building Life Skills Early

Teaching children to participate in household chores equips them with essential life skills. They learn how to manage their belongings, maintain a clean environment, and understand the importance of contributing to the family. These skills are invaluable as they grow older and eventually manage their own households.

Fostering Responsibility

Assigning chores to kids helps instill a sense of responsibility. When children understand that they have specific tasks to complete, they begin to appreciate the importance of their role in the family unit. This responsibility can translate into other areas of their lives, including school and extracurricular activities.

Enhancing Family Bonding

Chores for kids don't have to be a drag! When done together, they can become a time for bonding. Turn up some music, laugh, and work as a team. These moments can create lasting memories and strengthen your family's bond.

15 Kid-Friendly Chores

Here are 15 chores for kids that will teach organization and decluttering while also being fun!

1. Toy Sorting

One of the simplest chores for young children is sorting their toys. Have them categorize toys by type, color, or size. This not only helps declutter their play area but also teaches them basic organizational skills and patterns.

2. Making the Bed

Teaching your child to make their bed every morning sets a positive tone for the day. It's a small task that can make a big difference in how organized their room looks. Plus, it gives them a sense of accomplishment right at the start of the day.

3. Laundry Help

Involving kids in the laundry process is a great way to teach them about sorting, washing, and folding clothes. Younger kids can help sort clothes by color, while older children can assist with loading the washing machine and folding.

4. Pet Care

If you have pets, assigning pet care chores for kids can be a wonderful way to teach them responsibility and empathy. Younger children can help with feeding and providing water, while older kids can take on tasks like walking the dog or cleaning the litter box.

5. Recycling Duty

Teaching kids about recycling is an excellent way to introduce them to environmental responsibility. Assign them the task of sorting recyclable items from the trash. It's a simple chore that imparts a valuable lesson about sustainability.

6. Dusting

Dusting is a straightforward chore for kids that even young ones can handle. Give them a microfiber cloth and let them wipe down surfaces like coffee tables, shelves, and window sills. It's a great way to keep your home clean while teaching attention to detail.

7. Watering Plants

If you have indoor plants or a garden, watering plants can be a fun and educational chore for kids. They'll learn about plant care and responsibility while enjoying the satisfaction of helping living things thrive.

8. Setting the Table

Setting the table for meals is a simple yet essential chore for kids. Show your child how to arrange plates, utensils, and napkins. It's a great way to teach them about proper table settings and manners.

9. Clearing the Table

After meals, have your child help clear the table. They can start by removing plates and utensils, and as they get older, they can assist with wiping down the table and sweeping the floor.

10. Organizing Bookshelves

Organizing bookshelves can be a fun and educational activity. Have your child sort books by size, color, or genre. It's a wonderful way to encourage a love of reading while keeping their space tidy.

11. Vacuuming

Older children can take on vacuuming as a regular chore. Show them how to use the vacuum cleaner safely and efficiently. It's a great way to keep floors clean and teach them about maintaining household appliances.

12. Sweeping Floors

Younger kids can handle sweeping floors with a small broom and dustpan. It's a simple task that helps keep common areas clean and teaches them about the importance of cleanliness.

13. Cleaning Windows

Cleaning windows can be a fun activity, especially with the right tools. Equip your child with a spray bottle of water and vinegar solution and a squeegee. They'll enjoy seeing the immediate results of their work.

14. Organizing Drawers

Organizing drawers is a great way to keep clutter at bay. Have your child sort items in their drawers, like socks, underwear, and school supplies. It's a task that teaches order and helps them find things more easily.

15. Helping with Groceries

Involve your child in grocery shopping and putting away groceries. They can help select items in the store, carry bags, and organize food in the pantry. It's a practical way to teach them about meal planning and food storage.

Is It Worth It?

You don't come up with chores for kids because it's easy in the beginning. They'll fold clothes wrong, spill water, and do 10 other things that will make you want to finish the tasks yourself.

However, teaching kids organization and decluttering skills through chores is a valuable investment in their future and yours. The benefits of involving kids in household tasks far outweigh the temporary inconvenience.

Got Extra Stuff? Store It With Midgard!

Even with your cute helpers, there's always stuff that just doesn't have a place. Maybe the seasonal sports gear is piling up or the holiday decorations need a new home. Whatever you need to store, Midgard Self Storage has plenty of options.

Keep your home organized and clutter-free, with the peace of mind that your belongings are easily accessible. Contact us today to find out how we can help you create more space in your home!